I haven’t really blogged much about our personal life, well, because it’s been less than pleasant, really.

Back in July, we initiated Plan B on finding a place to live.  We moved to the wrong end of the metro area, and a much smaller space than we really needed.  The main upshot was the proximity to friends.

The 6 week floating period was about as ghastly as one would expect, but it was greatly improved by friends and family trying their best to make us feel at home.  The movers did a stellar job, so that all went as it should.

When September finally rolled around, we moved in to great relief.  Within about two weeks, however, our friends in the apartment next to us?  For various reasons, they were forced to move as well (work related).

The “lengthy commute” I worried about?  Substantially worse than expected, not for the trip itself, but all the cascade effects.  The whole family spends the week far more exhausted, and just to keep up, we’re losing many hours a week.  There’s hardly time for just the basics.  Everything has fallen off, from being social with people to even putting effort into healthy eating.

Additionally, the building is NOT non-smoking, and as it turned out, the man next door smokes like a chimney.  Turns out, that makes Selwyn have harsh allergy problems and Christine have migraines.  Wee!

As a result of everything, we made the tough decision.. to move for a third time this year.  We were delighted to have been connected to a place much closer to the school through other parents at the school who kept an eye open for us.  Thankfully this time, it’s a point to point move, and from start to finish, should be done in about 36 hours.

One can hope that next year is a bit more calm.

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